MBC is family friendly and continuously aims to improve our children’s ministry. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to browse the fun and engaging activities we offer to help children understand more about God.
MBC operates a child protection policy and adheres to the current General Data Protection Regulation.
Baby Massage
Classes are small and run at various times throughout the year.
Club 200 Sunday School
Club 200 is for children and young people aged 3 to 18. It runs from September to April inclusive on Sunday mornings 10:00 to 10:45. We teach age appropriate Bible lessons and encourage scripture memorisation. We commence on Sunday 16th September 2018.
Campaigners is a uniformed organisation, similar to the BB or GB. We do games, badges, crafts, Bible lessons, and other fun activities. EAGLES For girls and boys aged 4 to P2. Wednesday’s at 18:15 to 19:15. We commence on Wednesday 12th September 2018. JUNOS For girls and boys P3 to P6. Monday’s at 18:45 to 20:00. We commence on Monday 3rd September 2018.…